Welcome to Good Detour, where we make the great outdoors accessible and enjoyable for all, regardless of dietary preferences or cultural backgrounds. As founders with roots in the Indian diaspora, we've experienced firsthand the challenge of finding suitable meals during outdoor adventures. This led us to create a solution that caters not only to South Asians but also to vegetarians, vegans, and anyone looking for a delicious alternative to typical outdoor fare.

Our journey began with personal experiences of feeling left out due to the lack of appropriate food options on camping trips and family excursions. Inspired by these challenges, we turned to our heritage—drawing on the rich flavors and traditional recipes handed down through generations. Our meals are crafted to offer nourishment and comfort, combining the authenticity of home-cooked South Asian food with the practical needs of outdoor enthusiasts.

Pooja brings a wealth of knowledge in holistic health as a Registered Nurse, focusing on the critical role nutrition plays in well-being. Rutwij, an avid home cook and outdoor enthusiast, infuses his culinary skills and entrepreneurial spirit into Good Detour, making our products not only viable but also innovative.

At Good Detour, we are more than a food brand; we are a movement committed to enhancing outdoor experiences through cultural and dietary inclusivity. Our goal is to expand the presence of vegetarian and South Asian flavors in the outdoor industry, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the same adventure, without compromise.

Join us as we continue to explore, innovate, and share the joy of a meal well-traveled. Good Detour is here to bring you the tastes of home, wherever your adventures may lead. Welcome to our community—where every dish tells a story, and every journey is flavored with tradition.